ommon Name : Peppermint
Botanical Name : Mentha piperita
perennial herb which spreads prolifically. It loves water and grown +- 1 m high with green stems and leaves.
Size : 100 mls
Extraction : Steam distillation from rapidly dried herbs.
A pale yellow liquid with a powerful minty smell. A clean smell with sweet balsamic undertones.
Avoid during pregnancy and while nursing.
Used for the treatment of dermatitis, ringworm and scabies.
Relieves itching, inflammation and sunburn. Softens the skin and good for assisting with removal of blackheads. Recommended for greasy skin and hair.
Used in preparations to ease headaches, migraines and toothache. Excellent when used in foot rubs to ease aching feet , rheumatism and muscle aches.
Blends well with Benzoin, Cedarwood, Cypress, Lavender, Mandarin, Marjoram, Pine and Rosemary.
Ideal for treating mental fatigue and depression.
Information is provided for education purposes only.