Growing Wild Liquid Soap, Body Wash and Shampoo Recipies
Anti Bacterial Liquid Soap
250ml Lukewarm soap
30g Castile Soap
5ml Coconut Oil
5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
2 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2 drops Essential oil
2 drops cinnamon Essential oil
2 Lavender essential oil
Method; mix well all Ingredients together using a blender. Put into pump or spray bottles.
Anti Balding Shampoo
354.88g castile soap
1 tsp Sweet Almond Oil or Castor Oil
1 tblsp bottled water
5 drops cedarwood essential oil
5 drops Juniper berry Essential oil
Mix the castile, Vegetable Glycerin, carrier oil, essential oils together. Add water to make 500mls. Mix well
Rosemary + Thyme Shampoo
354.88g castile soap
1 tsp Sweet Almond Oil or Castor Oil
1 tblsp bottled water
5 drops Rosemary essential oil
3 drops Thyme Essential oil
Mix the castile, Vegetable Glycerin, carrier oil, essential oils together. Add water to make 500mls. Mix well