Are you thinking about starting a business but have no idea where to begin ?
The Basics of Business is the perfect place to start. A very concise and clear guideline, which is self paced. This course is full of all the information that is critical for anyone wanting to start a business or side hustle. On the other hand you might already be in a very informal business which has grown and needs direction and guidance on how to formalize this into a proper business trading entity.
We will cover:
Why Start a Business
What to know before you Start
What to Plan and Prepare
How to Establish a Business
How to Manage a Business
The Course summary is provided .
More information is detailed about pricing, payment, registration, and inquiries.
Alistair McGlashan of AIM, has been a Strategic Business Consultant for over 30 years and looks forward to sharing all his invaluable knowledge with you .
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